Saturday, April 30, 2011


me and chuck norris (lauren)  were gmail chatting and she added sum girl named prissy to our chat and i was like O MY GOSH ITS MY CAT! prissy: no. me:YESSSSSS YOUR MY KITTTYYY IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR U I LOVE YOU!! prissy: IM NOT YOUR STUPID CAT me: YESSSSSS U R  her: bye me: NOOO BAD KITTTYYYY SIIIIITTTTTT STAY SIT COME ON KITTY SIT ALREADY! ..then she left..whatta nub       -Tamisha ( Hannahhhh the spazzzzzyyy lllaaaammmaaa! :) 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Evil Monster Mike

Yesterday Night at swim practice Mike completley Murdered our swim lane family.  He moved FiFi to a different lane, cuz the other lanes leader was too slow. Stupid Evil Monster Dude. Now we have some other person form the lane next to us. So we used her to replace FiFi.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

evil waterfountain

on thursday i was just walking down the hall to the waterfountain to get an good drink of water and BAM! i ran into it and fainted and laid in da middle of the hall flat on ma face and my leg hit da fountain and it hurt! :o

Saturday, April 2, 2011


We made a swim lane family :D Mommy:Marybeth,Age:31,Fifi:Maggie,Age:5, Apple:Kirstie,Age:3,Tamisha:Me,age:2,Maddox:Fletcher,Age:4,Chuck Norris:Lauren,Age:2 George: The giraffe we ride instead of having a car. MONSTERR!!!:Coach Mike,Age:12345678910