Saturday, February 26, 2011

pizza party

with da like 70 dollars in my teachers jar we had a pizza party and drank soda and had recess we still have like 53 dollars left though and  we get to have more parties..i hope :)              -Hannah

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

octopus ppl!!!!!!!

after swim practice one day me lauren and abby went over to the octopus ppl (underwater hockey players) and got their autographs they signed lauren's "miley bieber" mine "swgthhtg#4" and abby's "miley cyrus" so now every friday after practice we go to the octopus ppl and get their autographs and talk to them.yesterday we got their autographs,one guy signed it "brittany spears" the other signed it "justin bieber" and the other one "miley bieber" then we went over to the old man #8 in the pool and got his autograph we made us hold his hockey puck. and we got coach mikes autograph too and kirsties drew all over mikes whiteboard and we wrote in mikes notes.the octopuses are entertained by now we do that to them every friday,abby brings her special "autograph book"  its so fun! i wanna b a octopus :( and the octopus ppl get to hit each other!!!!!!!!!! i bet they'll be famous one day and we'll be able to sell their autographs on ebay.                 -Hannah


my teacher left the class 4 a sec and i started playing on my itouch while she was gone and then when she came back i threw it in my backpack and it went to an app when i did and she started explaining something  and then my itouch went off saying "SHUT UP" at first my teacher was like what was that??? then i grabbed my itouch and tried to turn it off but accidently pressed it again... my teacher was pretty happy           -Hannah

Thursday, February 17, 2011

tomato girl

2day this girl brought a tomato for snack which i dont get why but she just started eating this giant raw tomato and the teacher told her that she had to throw it away so she starts crying. hahaha

Monday, February 14, 2011

Magical Rainbow Unicorn Zebra!!!!!!!!!!!! :O

:D  it so pwettyfulz

2nd graders like to talk to their teddy bears...

me and my friend were on the bus talking and the kid across from us started to join our conversation and we told him to go away and he was holding a teddy bear and started talking to it  and he told us his bear had diabetes and liked to get shot.i dont know what goes on in that kid's head and i dont wanna. his teddy bear had a crown and pink wings and was very fluffy and pink,he asked the teddy bear to be his valentine HAHAHAHAHAHA! we were laughing like crazy and he had cupcakes and we asked who they were for and he said his teddy bear.......2nd graders are strange kids                                      -Hannah

weird girl

yeah todays valentines day and some ppl did valentines in our class and this girl got mad cause i wouldnt take her valentine and she started chasing me up and down the hall saying... "TAKE MY VALENTINE!!!!" and i wouldnt take it and then she told on meh and i just ripped it up and threw it away in da weirdos face


hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! sorry we haven't been posting in a while: ( we've been pretty busy lately i guesssssss................well all i have to say is we have swim practice at 4:45am on tuesday : O

Sunday, February 6, 2011

buh bye greggy!

at swim practice i gave greggy the cannabial llama and his girlfriend pippy the alpaca to coach mike! i warned mike that my llama wud eat him but he wouldnt listen so now greggy's super fat and pippy dumped him for a rainbow unicorn zebra! :O            -Hannah

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creepy Janitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....really creepy

aiight so me and my friend bri were chillin at LB last night for my sisters bball game and then we decided to go upstairs to her locker and we sat on top pf the lockers then an angry mob of janitors was walking towards us like zombies and we fell off the lockers and started running down the stairs,then this creepy one eyed asian dude that was about 3'2 maby followed us into the girls bathroom whatta creep and he kicked us out so we "left" then when bac to the gym and then started chillin in the cafetaria and some janitors just walked right by us it was funny. and then we went through the backdoor to the back of the school to take pics with the bus and we got locked out of the backdoor and had to walk all the way around back to the front entrance and then we went in  the stage room and dressing room place it was pretty cool we took pics,just think if we had got caught we'd have been screwed..but we're ALIVE! :D    -Hannah

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


hiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! a few days ago i went sledding with my friend and the hill was HUGE! so i went down and i was like ok this is 2 easy so i decided i wanted to go down the big ramp! so i was like ok im gonna go! i got wayyyyyy to scared and i was like omg i cnt do this so a kid pushes me dwn and i forget to hold on to the sled so i fail and fall off nubbish kid: (.................................after me a little second grader went and landed perfectly lol