Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creepy Janitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....really creepy

aiight so me and my friend bri were chillin at LB last night for my sisters bball game and then we decided to go upstairs to her locker and we sat on top pf the lockers then an angry mob of janitors was walking towards us like zombies and we fell off the lockers and started running down the stairs,then this creepy one eyed asian dude that was about 3'2 maby followed us into the girls bathroom whatta creep and he kicked us out so we "left" then when bac to the gym and then started chillin in the cafetaria and some janitors just walked right by us it was funny. and then we went through the backdoor to the back of the school to take pics with the bus and we got locked out of the backdoor and had to walk all the way around back to the front entrance and then we went in  the stage room and dressing room place it was pretty cool we took pics,just think if we had got caught we'd have been screwed..but we're ALIVE! :D    -Hannah

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