Monday, January 3, 2011

ditched at giant (nubbish parents fault)

one time my dad took me and my friend to giant,and yeah we  ran  around the store   like idiots  and he  bought like food..and like an hour later we realized  that he ditched us there(wat a nub) but he left his cell phone in the candy iyell or whatever haha i cant spell. since he wuz an  idiot and left his cell phone there we cudnt  callhimmso we had to walk home on main roads   the cops asked if we were homeless ahahaha and we like  YES! definatly thats why we have cell phones.then he like followed us home it wuz creepy but i accidently  dropped my dads phone in da middle of the street  ehh OOPS! .well hes the one that ditched us  in giant and left his phone  so  HIS FAULT! when we  were getting close to home i almost got  hit by a car  fun right?? woo. and the cop car  kept following us so we screamed really loud then ran  inside. my dad said  he forgot he had  kid's and i called  hima nub and then said "hey by the way i broke ur fone"then we locked ourselfs in the  computer room

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