Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow surfing day

me and my neibors were sledding and playing in the snow and i go inside to get gloves and my dog gets out and starts running around like an idiot and knocks over a little girl and starts attacking her and then when eleanor was snow surfing my dog knocked her off  and we were chasing him for like ever and he kept running in front of cars and he peed on the street and  he wuz jumping on old ppl and chased the cars when i caught him he started biting me and scratching meh and attacked me when i finally got him inside me eleanor and her sister went inside and got food coloring and water and dyed the snow it was so coool and we threw the colorful snowballs at cars and one of them wuz yellow and we threw it at an old mans car and it went through the window and he started cussing us out screaming like F U!  i was just like "rewr!  sum1's grouchy" and then we went snow surfing down my hill we kept falling off and i almost ran into a tree and flipped backwards it was actually really really fun!!! all 3 of us tried surfing on one and lets just say it didnt work out too well.. haahahahaahaha

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