Thursday, January 20, 2011


today during art class the teacher hated me and eventually she put me in a timeout and made me stare at the wall for like 20 minutes and i left art late cause of her lecture and when we got back i pretended to stab myself with a pencil and fell outta my chair.. and me and this girl sara were argueing about drawing my cannabal llama was obviously the best she called it a dinosaur.. her  drawing was a weird cat lady  shes just jealous of my skill to draw llamas and she made fun of my unicorn shes mean :( and we wasted so much class time then later i brought my desk out side and i sat on it in the hall and i stood on my chair and this girl claire started yelling at me and mrs.miller heard and started a lecture i think shes jealous of my ninja moves cuz she can barely move shes old she said her hair wud turn gray cuz of us and i was just like well then dye it. i dont think she likes meh hahahaha  -Hannah

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