Saturday, January 8, 2011

swim meet

today at da meet we were morphing ppls faces and we swam of course and after we swam we went to the hospitaly room place and all of us were standing in front of the window and kirstie wuz outside and we kept waving and she told us to let her in so we opened the door and an alarm went off and we ran away bac to the team area and when da guy went to shut if off we followed him and were like ..what happened?!?  hahahaa. the alarm wuz stupid and after that i kept running away from my mum cuz i didnt wanna go home and she never found me i wuz like a ninja  i snuck bac in the room without her knowning and hid under da table then when i was waiting 4 laura in the bathroom i kept hanging on the door and when she came out i wuz hanging she was like hannah..what are u doing? thats not gonna end well   but i wuz ALIVE  woo! and when we came bac to the room i like did cartwheels and fell on my face my mums like HANNAH STOP IT NOW and i  kept running around like a 5 year old hhaha then i kept standing on chairs and my mom chased meh  i made her stay like an extra hour hahahahaha

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