Thursday, October 27, 2011


omg so we have this land coach named becky and she is like crazy and stupid and the other day a buncha us wore weird costumes and she was so weirded out and mike laughed at us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, April 30, 2011


me and chuck norris (lauren)  were gmail chatting and she added sum girl named prissy to our chat and i was like O MY GOSH ITS MY CAT! prissy: no. me:YESSSSSS YOUR MY KITTTYYY IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR U I LOVE YOU!! prissy: IM NOT YOUR STUPID CAT me: YESSSSSS U R  her: bye me: NOOO BAD KITTTYYYY SIIIIITTTTTT STAY SIT COME ON KITTY SIT ALREADY! ..then she left..whatta nub       -Tamisha ( Hannahhhh the spazzzzzyyy lllaaaammmaaa! :) 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Evil Monster Mike

Yesterday Night at swim practice Mike completley Murdered our swim lane family.  He moved FiFi to a different lane, cuz the other lanes leader was too slow. Stupid Evil Monster Dude. Now we have some other person form the lane next to us. So we used her to replace FiFi.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

evil waterfountain

on thursday i was just walking down the hall to the waterfountain to get an good drink of water and BAM! i ran into it and fainted and laid in da middle of the hall flat on ma face and my leg hit da fountain and it hurt! :o

Saturday, April 2, 2011


We made a swim lane family :D Mommy:Marybeth,Age:31,Fifi:Maggie,Age:5, Apple:Kirstie,Age:3,Tamisha:Me,age:2,Maddox:Fletcher,Age:4,Chuck Norris:Lauren,Age:2 George: The giraffe we ride instead of having a car. MONSTERR!!!:Coach Mike,Age:12345678910

Thursday, March 24, 2011


here's a llama
there's a llama
and another little llama
fuzzy llama
funny llama
llama llama

llama llama
llama llama
llama llama

i was once a treehouse
i lived in a cake
but i never saw the way
the orange slayed the rake
i was only three years dead
but it told a tale
and now listen, little child
to the safety rail

did you ever see a llama
kiss a llama
on the llama
llama's llama
tastes of llama
llama llama

half a llama
twice the llama
not a llama
llama in a car
alarm a llama

is THIS how it's told now?
is it all so old?
is it made of lemon juice?
now my song is getting thin
i've run out of luck
time for me to retire now
and become a duck

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


    at skool we had a substitute or howeva u spell it....and she thought i was british lol i was like " what r u talking about lady I dont have a notebook! what is bloody going on?!?!?!?" hahaha


Thursday, March 10, 2011

mike hot pink sunglasses

at the team dinner thingy i snuck up behind mike and put my hot pink sunglasses on him and he didnt notice and kept talking when he did notice i think he loved them!! ☺☺☺☺✩★☆✩

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

5am practice


Thursday, March 3, 2011

good work llama!!

 i love you greggy the llama!!

Coach's Award

man theres competion for the coach's award between me jade and lauren :O who shall get it? psssh i think ill get it i mean mike just loves me right?   :D

mean older kids at practice

yesterday i wuz in da lane with the old kids and they are mean potty mouths :o grant kept splashing meh and emily threatened to cuss me out and deleted me from her contacts.there were a few nice older kids but they got moved so i was stuck with da naughty talkers..they cuss alot :O the 13 year olds are mean ppl next time mike moves me there im saying no.oh yeah and when my cap fell off in practice mike was like EHH i thought you were sick! why are you here? and im like because im awesome and then he told me to shutup,stop standing on the mat and get back in da water..                     - Hannah!!!

bruin buddy tutor person

seniors from lake braddock come and tutor us in the halls and today me hanna and jose were with a bruin buddy and we played picturenary on  a white board instead of working,hanna drew a girl pig,jose drew like a snail or something,i drew a man getting shot on criminal minds with a pile of blood next to him and the bruin buddies like "VIOLENCE" and then the little 2nd graders saw my drawing and ran away. and whenever teachers came by we'd just randomly pretend to talk about math and then ryan randomly came out and started watching us play like the bruin buddy,our drawings were SKILLED!  but then the teacher caught us :o and the bruin buddy left.we were gonna stay out but the teachers pet made us come in.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

evil doctor

today i went to da doctor and the doctor was dressed like an evil scientist and was chasing little kids around the building and i was sitting in da waiting room playing robot unicorn attack and watching and then i got called and i had the evil doctor :O and i started mocking him with an evil laugh he kept yelling at meh and he got a giant needle out and tried  to kill meh but i pushed him away hahaah but then the nurse got me and shoved the needle in my arm.and now my arm is bloody nubbish doctors office!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

pizza party

with da like 70 dollars in my teachers jar we had a pizza party and drank soda and had recess we still have like 53 dollars left though and  we get to have more parties..i hope :)              -Hannah

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

octopus ppl!!!!!!!

after swim practice one day me lauren and abby went over to the octopus ppl (underwater hockey players) and got their autographs they signed lauren's "miley bieber" mine "swgthhtg#4" and abby's "miley cyrus" so now every friday after practice we go to the octopus ppl and get their autographs and talk to them.yesterday we got their autographs,one guy signed it "brittany spears" the other signed it "justin bieber" and the other one "miley bieber" then we went over to the old man #8 in the pool and got his autograph we made us hold his hockey puck. and we got coach mikes autograph too and kirsties drew all over mikes whiteboard and we wrote in mikes notes.the octopuses are entertained by now we do that to them every friday,abby brings her special "autograph book"  its so fun! i wanna b a octopus :( and the octopus ppl get to hit each other!!!!!!!!!! i bet they'll be famous one day and we'll be able to sell their autographs on ebay.                 -Hannah


my teacher left the class 4 a sec and i started playing on my itouch while she was gone and then when she came back i threw it in my backpack and it went to an app when i did and she started explaining something  and then my itouch went off saying "SHUT UP" at first my teacher was like what was that??? then i grabbed my itouch and tried to turn it off but accidently pressed it again... my teacher was pretty happy           -Hannah

Thursday, February 17, 2011

tomato girl

2day this girl brought a tomato for snack which i dont get why but she just started eating this giant raw tomato and the teacher told her that she had to throw it away so she starts crying. hahaha

Monday, February 14, 2011

Magical Rainbow Unicorn Zebra!!!!!!!!!!!! :O

:D  it so pwettyfulz

2nd graders like to talk to their teddy bears...

me and my friend were on the bus talking and the kid across from us started to join our conversation and we told him to go away and he was holding a teddy bear and started talking to it  and he told us his bear had diabetes and liked to get shot.i dont know what goes on in that kid's head and i dont wanna. his teddy bear had a crown and pink wings and was very fluffy and pink,he asked the teddy bear to be his valentine HAHAHAHAHAHA! we were laughing like crazy and he had cupcakes and we asked who they were for and he said his teddy bear.......2nd graders are strange kids                                      -Hannah

weird girl

yeah todays valentines day and some ppl did valentines in our class and this girl got mad cause i wouldnt take her valentine and she started chasing me up and down the hall saying... "TAKE MY VALENTINE!!!!" and i wouldnt take it and then she told on meh and i just ripped it up and threw it away in da weirdos face


hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! sorry we haven't been posting in a while: ( we've been pretty busy lately i guesssssss................well all i have to say is we have swim practice at 4:45am on tuesday : O

Sunday, February 6, 2011

buh bye greggy!

at swim practice i gave greggy the cannabial llama and his girlfriend pippy the alpaca to coach mike! i warned mike that my llama wud eat him but he wouldnt listen so now greggy's super fat and pippy dumped him for a rainbow unicorn zebra! :O            -Hannah

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creepy Janitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....really creepy

aiight so me and my friend bri were chillin at LB last night for my sisters bball game and then we decided to go upstairs to her locker and we sat on top pf the lockers then an angry mob of janitors was walking towards us like zombies and we fell off the lockers and started running down the stairs,then this creepy one eyed asian dude that was about 3'2 maby followed us into the girls bathroom whatta creep and he kicked us out so we "left" then when bac to the gym and then started chillin in the cafetaria and some janitors just walked right by us it was funny. and then we went through the backdoor to the back of the school to take pics with the bus and we got locked out of the backdoor and had to walk all the way around back to the front entrance and then we went in  the stage room and dressing room place it was pretty cool we took pics,just think if we had got caught we'd have been screwed..but we're ALIVE! :D    -Hannah

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


hiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! a few days ago i went sledding with my friend and the hill was HUGE! so i went down and i was like ok this is 2 easy so i decided i wanted to go down the big ramp! so i was like ok im gonna go! i got wayyyyyy to scared and i was like omg i cnt do this so a kid pushes me dwn and i forget to hold on to the sled so i fail and fall off nubbish kid: (.................................after me a little second grader went and landed perfectly lol

Sunday, January 30, 2011


when me and lauren were leaving swim the employees were gone so we sat in there chairs and when ppl left we were like you may exit,exit to the left and the alarm will go off then laura comes in from outside and we're like HEY! WHERES YOUR TAG?? then she runs and we chased her and i started the police siren and was like LAURA YOUR UNDER ARREST!! and we chased laura with the  siren all the way to her car she was laughing like crazy it was so funny!! and we also arrested the coach when she walked out she just laughed at us haha but coach beths the nice one. coach mike wouldnt even let me throw a snowball at him :O :(  ..i like arresting ppl         -Hannah

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow surfing day

me and my neibors were sledding and playing in the snow and i go inside to get gloves and my dog gets out and starts running around like an idiot and knocks over a little girl and starts attacking her and then when eleanor was snow surfing my dog knocked her off  and we were chasing him for like ever and he kept running in front of cars and he peed on the street and  he wuz jumping on old ppl and chased the cars when i caught him he started biting me and scratching meh and attacked me when i finally got him inside me eleanor and her sister went inside and got food coloring and water and dyed the snow it was so coool and we threw the colorful snowballs at cars and one of them wuz yellow and we threw it at an old mans car and it went through the window and he started cussing us out screaming like F U!  i was just like "rewr!  sum1's grouchy" and then we went snow surfing down my hill we kept falling off and i almost ran into a tree and flipped backwards it was actually really really fun!!! all 3 of us tried surfing on one and lets just say it didnt work out too well.. haahahahaahaha

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7-11 Slurpee Explosion!!!

me and my friend catie were leaving swim practice and  dave took us to get slurpees and i walked in like a ninja and had ducktape on my mouth and we were ya know getting slurpees and the orange one exploded all over us and spilted on da indian dude with a bonnet that works there and the coca cola one wuz like peeing we cudnt stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i tried to speak indian when we were paying i was like so hows indian?? do they have slurpees there? do u like llamas? i acted him random stuff and i dunno what he wuz sayin in indian but i think he was yelling how much of favorite customers we are to 7-11.

Monday, January 24, 2011

my life savings

today my teacher finally gave me my life savings of 1 dollar back! woooooooooooooooooo now i shall go to college..maby.. and today i fell outta my chair and all my teacher did was notice i was wearing jeans she didnt even ask if i wuz okay. :OOO WATTA NUB

Sunday, January 23, 2011


yesterday at da meet i wuz sitting in mikes chair after awhile he noticed and started yelling HALE GET OUTTA MY CHAIR!!  and he called me an idiot and said my  sports gel stuff wuz crap :o  but i like sitting in the chair! he said he doesnt wanna meet my fluffy llama greggy :(

Friday, January 21, 2011


Mike was happy that I wasn't at practice :O :( and he let everyone do fun stuff when I wasn't there! Not fair

Thursday, January 20, 2011


today during art class the teacher hated me and eventually she put me in a timeout and made me stare at the wall for like 20 minutes and i left art late cause of her lecture and when we got back i pretended to stab myself with a pencil and fell outta my chair.. and me and this girl sara were argueing about drawing my cannabal llama was obviously the best she called it a dinosaur.. her  drawing was a weird cat lady  shes just jealous of my skill to draw llamas and she made fun of my unicorn shes mean :( and we wasted so much class time then later i brought my desk out side and i sat on it in the hall and i stood on my chair and this girl claire started yelling at me and mrs.miller heard and started a lecture i think shes jealous of my ninja moves cuz she can barely move shes old she said her hair wud turn gray cuz of us and i was just like well then dye it. i dont think she likes meh hahahaha  -Hannah

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


i have a llama,his name is greggy! i bought him on ebay yesterday.he is fluffy,i love him...he ate my dog and he's a cannabial too. BEST PET EVER

Super annoying 5th graders

At lunch i have to sit near really annoyin 5th graders i mean REALLY annoying they yell hey do it agian do it agian do it agian!! Its sooo annoyin so we started throwing stuff at them. This one girl was like im gonna throw my grape at the lunch lady! So she chucked it at her leg and she looked back and we started pretending like nothing happened and she just walked away the next day my friend saw one of the annoying kids at gymnastics doing tumbling HAHAHA!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Basketball game!

on sunday we had a basketball game and the game was going fine then this girl showed up from the other team and  we're playing and one of our players is defending her and the girl screams GET AWAY FROM ME!!and pushes our player away and then we did timeout and the crazy girl starts crying and we had to end the game early cuz of her.its ironic that she showed up late and we had to end the game early cuz of her. i wud not like to be her mother.she called our player an autistic freak. she stayed in the gym crying/complained for like 30 minutes after the game.i know that cuz when we got home the gym ppl called to complain that a creepy crying girl wuz still in da gym and wouldnt leave


Last night my friend, me, my brother, and 2 of his friends went to starbucks and we pretended to start fighting my brother put me in a headlock and everybody started staring at me. And before we went we had to go pick them up from lax and i started actimg crazy and failing at doing gymnastics and then i was yelling brothers friend started running full speed and then he smashed his foot into a wall haha!


NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO

Sunday, January 16, 2011

crazy on skype

at like 1 in the morning me and eli were doing skype and  i was like really loud and my mum kept screaming at meh like GO TO BED  and im like NEVER!!!! and i was like running around putting guinea pigs on my head i was so hyper and crazy. eliana was just like watching me and i randomly screamed and she freaked out  and i  started playing the recorder hahaha i dumped water on my head my mom was pissed off cuz i woke her up and she started screaming at me and had a spazz attack and shut off the internet but i stayed up all night!! hahhaa i love powerade

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mental Music Teacher (dun dun dun)

ok so at school theres this music teacher mrs nerdal.shes really MENTAL,she took us  6th graders to a retirement home,then dollar store and got mad cuz we were partying at the dollar store and she got angry when we set off my air horn! what a nub and shes making us do a play on composers.. like really? we want a fun play not a weird one and she hates meh..i get in trouble with her alot..she thinks im "rude" has she seen herself??? but mrs shick is funnier and cooler(except when shes mad)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


laurens brother

stupid nubbish kid!

theres this really weird kid on my bus and he sat in front of me and my friend today and kept talking to us and he spit on our seat it wuz gross then the bus driver started screaming and the patrols went crazy the bus was a zoo hahhaha! and tomorrow we're gonna get that freak in trouble!!!!!! hahahha (evil)

Evil staff lady

Today i walked into swimming and herd hannah scream and she ran in the hall chasing a kid yelling GIVE ME MY MONEY!!! Then they run away......i walk in the the devil kid runs into the boys locker room then an evil staf lady comes out all grumpy and starts yellin.....later when we are swimming she walks up to mike (the coach) and she starts saying stuff like blablabla blonde girl blablabla scream blablabla run blablabla i will report her blablabla thx so much!! Tehee the end

Monday, January 10, 2011

george mason staff worker pplz!!!!

today after swim me and lauren randomly walked in da lifequard office and i was like yea!..WE HAVE A MISSING TOWEL! CAN WE LOOK FOR IT? KK THANKS and there just like...over there..> and were like okay  and we look through the bin ..we made a mess haha but lauren lost that towel a while ago apparently..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

neaves coach

neave went to curl burke! shame i mean whats there mascot a curl from burke? dats messed up but anyways today she was on the makos side like the whole time and after 50 free i went with neave to her coach and wuz like howd i do???? and shes like...haha very funny :@ hahaahah i think her coach wud definatly want to have me on her team. but im neva goin to curl burke! MAKOS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!  yeah today was fun

Saturday, January 8, 2011

swim meet

today at da meet we were morphing ppls faces and we swam of course and after we swam we went to the hospitaly room place and all of us were standing in front of the window and kirstie wuz outside and we kept waving and she told us to let her in so we opened the door and an alarm went off and we ran away bac to the team area and when da guy went to shut if off we followed him and were like ..what happened?!?  hahahaa. the alarm wuz stupid and after that i kept running away from my mum cuz i didnt wanna go home and she never found me i wuz like a ninja  i snuck bac in the room without her knowning and hid under da table then when i was waiting 4 laura in the bathroom i kept hanging on the door and when she came out i wuz hanging she was like hannah..what are u doing? thats not gonna end well   but i wuz ALIVE  woo! and when we came bac to the room i like did cartwheels and fell on my face my mums like HANNAH STOP IT NOW and i  kept running around like a 5 year old hhaha then i kept standing on chairs and my mom chased meh  i made her stay like an extra hour hahahahaha

the water gun



ok so i was just walking into the swimming place freezing cuz it was like 20 degrees outside and to my surprise hannah is standing there in shorts and sleeveless.................i dont think she knows it's not summer anymore teehee!

Friday, January 7, 2011

evil lifeguard!!!!!!!!!!

when we finished practice i just stayed in the pool wandering around and flipping over the lane lines and i started swimming in the mini lane and was like hey MY OWN LANE!!  mike didnt even notice but the lifeguard did and blewed the whistle at meh! and i was like "REWR!" ahah da lifeguard gave me the evil eye

Thursday, January 6, 2011

is it a trick? or do u get hit in the head with a glue stick?

me and shoshi were sitting in class (i sit next to her) and we put some  random bookmark in his desk and he threw it at sumone and on his desk was his  grade  and i started laughing at tyler's D on his reading log  and we were like look in ur desk! and he took all his stuff out  and was like theres  nothing and were like keep looking its down  further in the desk then william hit him in the head with a glue stick and he kept looking in his desk for like 30 minutes and there was nothing ahaha and then he went to pack out and  i put a  note in his desk saying "ahaha loser u  looked through ur desk for 30 minutes!" ..he threw it back at me..then in my afternoon class i was like I  WANNA GO HOME! and my teachers like go ahead and im like okay and she  locked me out and i started knocking and was like WAIT I NEED MAPQUEST DIRECTIONS! and she said well i can give u directions tothe principals  office and im like nah im good.. and she almost   sent me to ms.cookes D: ahhaha i behave so "well" at school dontcha think?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

demented faces!!!!!!!!!!

ahhaah one of da coaches

 random dude




 coach mitch

  rawr!! i will eat you


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

unicorn ninja alert!!

warning there has been a report my unicorn abe has been! the NINJAS took him :( and  they  ripped off abes beard this is what he looks like now ^  theres making a magical ninja unicorn army! they've been robbing kansas and australia for their unicorns! they've been turning them in to ninjas we must find abe!!!  he misses the magical white house of unicorns :(

Monday, January 3, 2011

ditched at giant (nubbish parents fault)

one time my dad took me and my friend to giant,and yeah we  ran  around the store   like idiots  and he  bought like food..and like an hour later we realized  that he ditched us there(wat a nub) but he left his cell phone in the candy iyell or whatever haha i cant spell. since he wuz an  idiot and left his cell phone there we cudnt  callhimmso we had to walk home on main roads   the cops asked if we were homeless ahahaha and we like  YES! definatly thats why we have cell phones.then he like followed us home it wuz creepy but i accidently  dropped my dads phone in da middle of the street  ehh OOPS! .well hes the one that ditched us  in giant and left his phone  so  HIS FAULT! when we  were getting close to home i almost got  hit by a car  fun right?? woo. and the cop car  kept following us so we screamed really loud then ran  inside. my dad said  he forgot he had  kid's and i called  hima nub and then said "hey by the way i broke ur fone"then we locked ourselfs in the  computer room

Sunday, January 2, 2011

im a ninja!!!

one time at school me and my friend eliana were in the hall to get water and these 4h graders were walking by and i started doing ninja moves and they look at me weird and one of them tried to act like me and im like UR NOT A NINJA! and did this cool butterfly thing with my hands!  then they just  walked away laughing..nubbish little 4th graders!! when they gonna learn ninja skills?. and when i went back to class i almost walked in da wrong class  but  when i got  back  the teacher was like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? and i said "practicing my ninja skills!" and shes like DONT INTURUPT MY CLASS! GO SIT DOWN!  NOW! 

Saturday, January 1, 2011


One day my dad invited my little cousin jessie over. It was my birthday so we went out for dinner at the japanese steak house. when we got there we were seated next to these two buisness men... at first it was nice but then jessie screamed "I WANT MY FOOD NOW!" at the japanese steak house they cook infront of u so there was a chef there he thought it was funny how demanding jessie was so he started laughing, well jessica didnt think it was funny she got mad and yelled "stop that" at him. then he has this thing its like a prank ketchap bottle he points it at u and a red string pops out making it look like he squarted ketchap at you so he squarted it at jessie who then started crying thinking that he squarted ketchap on her............finally when we got our food jessie didnt want a piece so she threw it back in the pile that had food for the rest of the people.......buisness men leave......

Happy new years!

well im sure alotta you  saw the ball drop at midnight right?  too bad jb wasnt on it (i bet you  all wish that)   justin bieber  must DIE! next year imma call the hosts up  and be like put justin  bieber on the ball  or ill sue u! and a buncha ppl set  off fireworks in ma neiborhood at midnight. and at like 4 in the morning i accidently let my dog outta the house.he wuz running round the neiborhood barking like  an idiot for about an hour..i guess hes not gonna get any less crazy  this year...nubbish chase!!! hahaah k peace